"woah", youre saying, "freefilesvirus. you make games?"
yeah. thats like my one hobby
"really?" you moronically pose, "well thats a big claim. do you have proof of that?"
scroll down, tonsafun! the proofs right there

amateur juggling act

you could learn to juggle in real life. you could, you probably should!
but when you have the choice between a tangible, impressive party trick or a digital remake that you can almost say kinda resembles the real life motions, which one are you really gonna pick?

sorta inspired by arctic eggs, as in a weird, sorta niche skill that isnt seen in video games much
not that juggling is niche, ive just never seen a juggling controller before in a video game
maybe someone already made something like this, i dont know. i hope not

philip starwalker

made for godot wild jam 69
its an alright game! the puzzles are probably the weakest part, which is a shame since its a puzzle game
fun fact, there is so much unreleased content for this game for an actual full game sorta game, just waiting for me to come up with more puzzles